In October, 2012, Blue and Dr Steele embark on a trip to the small island of Maritius which is southeast of Africa! A small group of World Vets volunteers will be involved in a pilot project to help dogs and cats in this tiny country. Follow their adventures on our daily blog!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tues, Sept 25, 2012

Well, we actually go past Africa on our way to Mauritius, off the southeast coast of Africa, in the Indian Ocean!

From the World Vets website:
World Vets has been approached by PAWS Mauritius to help them promote and provide a humane solution for population control on the island of Mauritius. As such World Vets will send a small a team to carry out a pilot project that will provide free spay/neuter services for the islands animals. This project has also been strategically scheduled to be carried out during International Animal

Week. This is to help raise awareness about animal welfare on the island as well as on the international stage. The World Vets team will also take part in other events that have been planned for the week.

Blue and I will be leaving for the tiny island of Mauritius with World Vets on Fri, Sept 28. (OMG, that is only three days away!!) The first leg of our flight is about 14 hours: direct to Dubai! We are hoping to meet an American lady that lives there and get a little tour of the area. We see lots of info and photos on Dubai on the internet... but seeing it in person will be really neat.

Below is a map of the area.  Mauritius is a tiny island out in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar off the southeast coast of Africa.  We are staying in Cap Malheuereux on the northern tip of the island.

Anyway, we are certainly on the short countdown.  Mainly this entry is to practice posting blogs.  If there is good internet access (supposed to be) and my IPad works (supposed to) and I can figure out how to use the IPad (that is the big unknown) I am planning to post daily.

Until travel time...
Stacy and Blue

1 comment:

  1. hey Stacy, I did a little google searching about this island....the pictures of it are awesome, I really look forward to enjoying the trip 'with' you. Have a safe journey.....14 hours on a plane sounds like 'awful' to me!!!
