In October, 2012, Blue and Dr Steele embark on a trip to the small island of Maritius which is southeast of Africa! A small group of World Vets volunteers will be involved in a pilot project to help dogs and cats in this tiny country. Follow their adventures on our daily blog!

Friday, September 28, 2012

At Seatac Airport

Well, here we are!  Got the dogs walked this am, last minute details taken care of and left for Seatac... almost on time!  We will board the plane in about an hour, then it is 14 1/2 hours to Dubai... yikes!  Got some sleeping pills (Thanks Dr T!!) and hopefully the time will pass quickly.  Patti is meeting us in Dubai, taking us on a little tour of the city, we have tickets to ride the elevator in the world's tallest building at 10pm Saturday.  (123 stories!!)  We will leave Dubai at 3am for a 6 1/2 hour flight to Mauritius.

As you can see, Woofie could not travel without all his "clothes" from all the countries he has visited!  I told him it would be hot where we are going, but he still wanted to wear his "chullo" (Peruvian knitted hat) and carry his Guatemalan satchel.  (His collars are from Ecuador, the Galapagos and Romania)

Blue is posing as a secret service agent, protecting Woofie.  I am just along for the ride!

Hope to post again soon!
Stacy, Blue and Woofie

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